San Cristóbal

Chile, 2015
30 minutes
Omar Zúñiga Hidalgo
  • Antonio Altamirano
  • Samuel Gonzáles


Lucas and Antonio. Two young men meet and fall in love in a remote fishing village in the south
of Chile. One lives there, the other is visiting. Sensuality dictates the pace of the narrative and the
lives of both in the days to follow: Being one another’s mirror. Recognising one another. Yielding
to one another. When the village rebels against their love, the experience of this limitation marks a
momentous step in Lucas’ and Antonio’s adulthood.A simple story of love and devotion, shot in the
style of Direct Cinema. A not-so-simple setting, in Chile’s Deep South, where anything that breaks
out of the perceived norm is to be destroyed immediately, punished. The characters know of the
limitations within the village. The romantic notion of resistance is brief; of greater importance are life
and the love that is found. Going further. Going beyond the self.



Production company
Cinestación, La Medallita
Original title
San Cristóbal